For a long time in the blogging space, I kept hearing about Weleda Skin Food. People were saying that this was a moisturiser that you needed to get your hands on if you wanted hydrated and plump skin. Plus, some of the people that were saying this were individuals that I align with on countless other beauty products.

After taking a quick look into it online, I saw that this Weleda Skin Food was only a cheap product, so I added it to my basket and checked out within an instant. After trailing it over the last few months, I finally feel ready to share with you my thoughts on this cult classic item.

Why I wanted this product.

As I have mentioned, I wanted this product mainly because I saw people speaking about it so fondly online. But also, because I felt ready to add a new product into my rotation. I felt like I wasn’t really getting what I needed from my current moisturiser and with the rave reviews of this item, I thought it was a good opportunity to get my hands on something new and put it to the test. Needless to say, I really put it through its paces after using the entire tube before writing this review!

How I use this product.

When I picked up this product, my initial thoughts to use this were to integrate it as part of my evening skincare routine. I felt like the Kiehl’s moisturiser that I had been using wasn’t quite cutting it and after how many people had raved online about this Weleda Skin Food, I thought it would be the perfect item to add into my rotation. But I have also given this a whirl using it first thing in a morning when I am forgoing makeup and I want a really light and hydrated complexion.

How it feels when applying.

When I first apply this product, I will squeeze a little from the tube and then dot it around the face. Because of how thick the product is, I give the product a few seconds to sit on the skin and loosen up a little from the heat of my body. Then when it is a little more emollient, I will begin working it into the skin. Now I have to say, the consistency when working it into the skin really shocked me. That is because this stuff is so thick that as I am working it into the skin, I feel like it is dragging my skin. Which is something that I never want to prevent premature aging.

How it feels on the skin.

There is no other way to describe this Weleda Skin Food other than thick. This is a thick ass product that sits heavy on the skin. There are no two ways about it. Once it is on the skin, I go about my day and my skin feels thick and heavy. To be honest, it isn’t something that I have ever experienced before with any other moisturiser. This to me feels more like a mask that you are meant to wash off because it feels so heavy on my skin. But because it is tacky too, I feel like my hair gets stuck in it and generally, it just makes me a little uncomfortable. I have no idea how people use this under their makeup!

The aftereffects.

Once I have applied this product and left it on the skin for a few hours, I do begin to enjoy how my skin feels a little more. I will say, even after a few hours, it still sits heavy and tacky on the skin. However, you can see that your skin has drank it in a little. However, I have wondered if it doesn’t soak in much more for my skin type because my skin perhaps just doesn’t need that intense level of hydration. I would love to know somebodies’ opinion who has incredibly dry skin because I do wonder if that is why it doesn’t quite work with me.

How it compares to other items.

There are so many other creams out there that I truly adore. I think the main thing that I have learnt while reviewing this item is that I have a certain type of moisturiser that I adore. For me, the best product is the Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream. I love how nourishing that product is and how it feels on the skin. A true cream that absorbs into the skin but keeps it feeling incredibly hydrated. Even though so many of the other creams that I use are in a different world in terms of price, I would happily pay more for a texture that I am happy with.

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and learning more about the Weleda Skin Food. I have enjoyed using it recently, but I don’t think that it will replace the position of any of my favourites. Ultimately, the issue that I have with this Weleda Skin Food comes down to texture. For me, this is far too thick and even though I like the effect on my skin a few hours after, when it is freshly applied, it turns my stomach dragging it across the skin. I think there are so many other incredibly nourishing moisturisers on the market that don’t cause as much friction on the skin.

As always, I will add a link to this Weleda Skin Food below should you want to go ahead and check it out for yourself. Be sure to leave me a comment and let me know if you have used this and what your thoughts were.